CJA Wiring Diagram Packet - 99980

CJA Wiring Diagram Packet - 99980
Please send us two photos of your controller and controller nameplate to sales@cjanderson.com before ordering. This will ensure we confirm the controller you have was actually built by us. We will confirm receipt of your email and confirm if the SN# matches up with our records. Once it does we will provide you with the wiring diagram number and job packet number so you can order. Please note that while we are 95% successful in locating packets for controllers there is an occasion when we can’t locate them. We also do NOT carry or have wiring diagrams for any other companies controllers. We only have wiring diagrams for C.J. Anderson Genuine Control System.
CJA Elevator Controller Wiring Diagrams - Since 1910
Photos below show sample nameplates, job sales orders, wiring diagrams and Genuine C.J. Anderson Built Controllers. The equipment shown ranges in age from 1910 to 1985.

Sample-Wiring-Diagram-Packet.pdf *Please note your packet may contain more or less documents and may look slightly different.