Elevator Switches

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Limit switches

Preventing the elevator from over traveling into the overhead or pit.  Designed in the 1930's with design changes along the way which make it one of the most versatile switches in the industry. 

Floor Switches

The F-3 was the original floor switch and designed in 1924.  Still in demand and used for older elevator systems one mounts at each intermediate floor and "flip-flops" to one direction or the opposite one as the elevator car riding cam passes the switch.  

Gate Switches

Used on elevator gates to ensure that the elevator does not run if the gate is open.  These are perfect for both new elevators systems as well as older ones. If you have any questions please contact us.

leveling switches

The F-4 was the original floor switch and designed in 1924.  This switch has adjustable rollers and is designed to mount on the elevator and help it level using a 1 foot cam mounted at each floor.  Used for older elevator systems. 

Slack Cable Switches

Used on any winding drum machine which will shut off power to the elevator if for some reason the elevator gets hung up and there's slack in the cable. This is a tried and true product still in use today. 

machine limit switches

Designed for high amperage the MS-1 is available in either single phase or three phase model. It shuts power off in the event the motor/machine over turns it's designated distance.  Click this link and download the install guide for more information.