The “Original “ Waterproof fixture
The original water resistant fixture. These are great for those applications that are as extreme as you can get. They are also great for buildings that are still running high voltage lines, such as 220-440VDC.
These lever activated fixtures represented the original CJA water resistant fixture line. Still in demand today, these fixtures are used for replacement purposes and new equipment. Specific design features make the lever activated fixtures water resistant and durable to last in your harshest environment. They are time tested and industry approved. The markings on the cover can be changed to meet your specifications. Also, levers can be added or subtracted depending on the number of floors. We also still have replacement parts for these fixtures.
Product Features
• Any Voltage
• Cast Aluminum Cover Plate/ Enclosure
• Stainless Steel Cover Legend Plate
• Water Resistant Gasketed Cover Plate
• Lever Buttons are Recessed In Cover Plate
• Carbon To Metal Loaded Contacts