Antimicrobial Copper Elevator Buttons and Plates
Designed and manufactured during the Covid - 19 Pandemic CJA Copper Fixtures are built specifically to immediately start breaking down the outside shell of viruses and bacteria which prevent them from living long term on copper surfaces.
CU .29 Copper 99% Push buttons & Face Plates
Large Push Button Face Allows Elbow Button Pressing
Engraved Braille & Floor Markings (Never Filled)
CU .29 Copper 99% Push Buttons
CU .29 Copper 99% Face Plates
Car Stations
Hall Stations
Multi-light Position Indicators
Digital Position Indicators
ADA Telephones
Fixture Quote Turn Around Time: 24 Hours
Fixture Drawings For Approval: 7-10 Days
Fixture Lead Times: 8-10 Weeks*
Expedited Lead Time Option: NO*
*Expedited lead time options cannot be applied to this product line. Lead times will be estimated and confirmed at the time drawings are received and the project has been released into production. These times are estimates and are approximated.
Commonly touched areas feature all copper construction meaning there’s NO place on this panel, around the commonly touched areas that any virus can thrive and live.
***NOTE: Copper oxidizes and will discolor with human touch. Cleaning with a light soap solution is required. Cover plates and push buttons may need to be refinished with scotch bright pads in order to bring the finishes closer back to their original finish. These fixtures are not California code Title 24, Titles 8 or do the meet the City of LA Building Codes and Elevator Codes in design or construction. Title 24 & 8 Require that the face of the push button be completely white.
Click below for more information on the anti micro bacterial properties of copper.